
Monday, May 16, 2011

Who Really Matters

The person or should I say persons that have affected me most is my two children. My Daughter Elliott (5) 
and my son Jaxon (3 1\2) have changed my philosophy on life. I don't sleep in any more or just get up and leave the house with out thinking and planning the trip carefully.    

More importantly I have made life changes to better my self to give them a better life. Now I find that things to me are more important than before I had them like education and careers. I will make sure that they will have a great life and that they will strive to be better and not wait to get their education. That was my mistake and i'm am fixing it now and its not to late for me. I had tried two different time before and I could not stay in school. It was not because of bad grades or anything like that but because of better job opportunities i had no drive to get it done. These crazy kids have changed all that. I will see this threw to the end and for that I thank them.

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